Always on. Always sure. Digi SureLink® maintains persistent network connections ensuring rapid, always-on communications for devices utilizing Digi technology.
Don't Risk Downtime: Maintain Constant Network Connections
Typically, wireless connections may experience intermittence due to RF signal loss caused by fading, interference and moving obstructions. Updates and changes in the carrier network also cause devices to seemingly vanish. In most cases, the wireless device is not notified when a connection is terminated because of data inactivity – it’s just down.
Maintaining persistent mobile connections is essential in host-initiated applications. If the host tries to communicate with a remote device and the mobile link is down, the connection attempt will fail and the user is left in the dark. Customers may find that restarting their device brings the connection back up, but this is still an unreliable and inconvenient solution – one you can’t depend on when things get busy and you need to be “always on.” You need a better, more dependable way. The Digi SureLink “keep-alive” function makes sure the connection will be there when it’s needed – all the time, every time.
Digi cellular products use Digi SureLink capabilities for an “always-on” connection that helps mitigate drops. A programmable inactivity timer and a pro-active link integrity function are available with all Digi cellular products; while Digi SureLink includes link integrity monitoring, with three test options.
Digi products can also be configured to send keep-alive packets from the remote device side to the network ensuring that the connection stays open and available for instant communications. Keep-alive messages from Digi devices also serve to inform Digi Remote Manager® of the connection cleanup status. Furthermore, Digi products can be configured to expect keep-alive messages from Digi Remote Manager to reestablish a connection if messages have not arrived for a user-specified period of time.
Look to Digi SureLink to make certain your connections are always up, and always on.
Always-on connections
- Rapid on-demand communications
- Maximizes uptime across cellular networks
- User-configurable control for optimum performance
Inactivity timer
- Ensures PPP connection is always available
- Will not incur additional charges on most wireless networks
- Device initiated
Keep-alive messages
- Small device-initiated or Digi remote management software-initiated packets allow connection to stay up
Link integrity monitoring
- Test options include: Ping, TCP Connection and DNS Lookup
- Ensures two-way communication is working over WAN
- Test at either regular intervals, or only when connection is idle