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xbee3 + DHT11 micropython

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Greetings to all!
I'm trying to create a mesh of xbee3 to measure temperature with DHT11 sensor.Both are connected to a grove development board.
Where can i find a module python to use DHT11 so that i can program xbee3 by micropython?

asked Dec 6 in MicroPython by ciro_to New to the Community (0 points)

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2 Answers

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You may need to check with the sensor company or within the Micro Python Library.
answered Dec 8 by mvut Veteran of the Digi Community (14,822 points)
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Reading a DHT11 device is not easy and would require some custom code. I recommend that you use instead a SHT-31 or similar I2c device to measure temperature and use the standard I2C library in Micropython for Digi. Here is sample code to read an I2C device.
answered Dec 9 by Jexx New to the Community (25 points)