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Xbee Pro S2C (zigbee) as sniffer

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I have a Xbee Pro S2C (XBP24CZ7WITB003) module. I want to use this module to sniff an existing zigbee network. I want to capture the zigbee level frames (the unencrypted ones like broadcast frames, ack frame, etc) using this module.

Is it possible with this module? And if yes how?

asked Jun 27, 2019 in XBee Programmable Development by ameyp New to the Community (0 points)

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1 Answer

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I've arrived to this question too, two years later, and using an XB3-24

I don't know if this might help:


But I'll continue there
answered Dec 8 by IgnacioHR New to the Community (36 points)
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