Using the XBee 3 cellular, I want to setup a TLS connection with the TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher. The XBee 3 cellular user guide doesn't list this cipher in the 'documented suites', so it would appear i'm out of luck...
However, when i look at the documentation of the LTE modem used by the XBee 3, the SARA-R410 AT commands manual tells me the SARA-R410M-02B (as used by the XBee 3 I have here) does support the TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 cipher. Which again gives me a shimmer of hope....
I did some tests, and sofar it seems it doesn't work; I get socket status 8 'unknown error', which also happens if i connect to a HTTPS server with the wrong certificate.
What would it take to use this cipher? Since the sara modem does support it, it should be possible, right? Does this need an XBee firmware update? Or, should i bypass the xbee firmware logic and talk directly to the sara modem?