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Smart Grid

Communication devices for remote substation equipment, SCADA, reclosers, capacitor banks and other transmission equipment

Digi is helping utilities add a layer of digital intelligence to their grids. These smart grids use sensors, meters, digital controls and analytic tools to automate, monitor and control the two-way flow of energy across operations—from power plant to plug. A power company can optimize grid performance, prevent outages, restore outages faster and allow consumers to manage energy usage right down to the individual networked appliance.

Reliable and Secure
Deliver the highest levels of security and reliability.

Reduce Installation Costs
Quickly deploy remote connectivity to sub-station and power-line equipment.

Monitor Network Devices Remotely
Easily monitor remote network assets with a comprehensive software tools.

Improved Response Time
Dramatically improve response time through increased asset visibility.

Communication devices for remote substation equipment, SCADA, reclosers, capacitor banks and other transmission equipment
Connect with Digi
Digi experts can answer your IoT questions, help you find the right technology solution for your needs, or provide value-added services to assist with the design, development, and deployment of your IoT solution.

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