Radio Emission Designation And Modulation Type For Digi RF Radios

Modulation Type: FSK
Emission Designation: 260KF1D

Modulation Type: FSK
Emission Designation: 400K0F1D

Modulation Type: FSK (@9600 baud), GFSK (@115200 baud)
Emission Designation: 350KF1D (XT09) 
EmissionDesignation: 221KF1D (XTH9)

XBee (Series 1)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M39GXW

XBee-PRO (Series 1)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M48GXW

XBee-PRO 900
Modulation Type: FSK
Emission Designation: 3M35F7W

XBee-PRO 868
Modulation Type: FSK
Emission Designation: 37K9F1D

Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 293KF1D

XBee ZB (Series 2)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M32GXW

XBee-PRO ZB (Series 2)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M55GXW

XBee-PRO ZB (Series 2B)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M42GXW

XStick1 (802.15.4)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M35GXW

XStick2 (ZigBee)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M29GXW

XBee ZB SMT (Series 2C)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M41GXW

XBee-PRO ZB SMT (Series 2C)
Modulation Type: QPSK
Emission Designation: 2M41GXW

XBee 868LP and 865LP
Modulation Type: GFSK
Emission Designation: 190KF1D

XBee Wi-Fi (Series 6)
802.11b          Modulation Type: DSSS

                       Emission Designation: 12M2GXW

802.11g          ModulationType: OFDM, DSSS
                       Emission Designation: 16M8GXW

802.11n          ModulationType: OFDM
                       Emission Designation: 17M9GXW

XBee 900HP
DigiMesh firmware at 200 kbps         ModulationType: GFSK
                                                         Emission Designation: 346KF7D

Point-to-point firmware at 10 kbps    ModulationType: FSK
                                                         Emission Designation: 307KF7D

Firmware at 9600 bps      ModulationType: FSK
                                        Emission Designation: 307KF7D

Firmware at 19200 bps    ModulationType: FSK
                                        Emission Designation: 300KF7D



Explanation of Classification Designation


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has created an internationally agreed upon system to describe or classify radio frequency signal emissions. These emissions are classified by signal bandwidth, modulation method, nature of the modulating signal and the type of information transmitted on the carrier signal. It is based solely on the characteristics of the signal, not thetransmitter. Regulatory agencies, such as the United States Federal CommunicationsCommission, have adopted the use of this system. See the references for moreinformation.

This knowledge base entry describes the ITU Classification Designators, and uses Digi radios as examples for how the designator is derived. The emissions designators are then listed for Digi radios.

The Classification Designators

The type designator of a radio signal can be made up of:

  1. Necessary bandwidth
  2. Classification of the main carrier
  3. Description of the signal modulating the carrier
  4. Type of information to be transmitted
  5. Optional characteristics, including a) details of signals and, b) nature of multiplexing

The first four fields are required in the designator. The optional fields are not essential to defining the signal types.

Necessary bandwidth

There are four characters that describe the necessary bandwidth of a signal. It is shown in frequency units. In [2], we find the information shown in Table 1.

Bandwidth (BW)UnitsUse Letter
0.001 < BW < 999
1.00 < BW < 999
1.00 < BW < 999
1.00 < BW < 999

Table 1.Bandwidths and character designators

ITU defines the bandwidths as given in a) Recommendation ITU-R SM. 1138, b) by computation,or c) by measurement. For Digi radios, the necessary bandwidths are measured.

Carrier Modulation

The next field in an emissions designator is the type of carrier modulation.

There are several characters that are defined in the ITU symbols, but there are severalthat can be used as examples. For single-sideband, suppressed carrier, thecharacter is “J”. For frequency modulation, the character to use is “F”. For phase modulation, the character is “G”.

Modulating Signal Type

The next field in an emissions designator shows the signal type that is modulating the carrier. The ITU defines several characters for this field. Of interest is “1”which is for a single channel of digital information with no sub-carriers, “3” for analog information, and “X”, which is for cases which are not covered bythe other allowed characters.

Type Of Information To Be Transmitted

The next field in an emissions designator is for the type of information to be transmitted. ITU specifies the allowed characters for this field. Some examples are “A” for telegraphy intended to be received byear, “D” data transmission, and “W”, used for a combination of any of the possible information types.

Optional Characteristics

Two more fields can be appended to the emissions designator. They represent details of the signals and any multiplexing used on the signal. If they are not used, a dash “-“ can be appended to the designator. For the FCC, the option fields do not need to be appended.



We will usethe Digi 9XStream and the Digi XBee radios for examples.

The required bandwidth is 260 kHz. The carrier modulation is “frequency”.  There is a single channel of digital information with no sub-carriers. Digital data is being transmitted. There are no additional characteristics to be reported. The designator is: 260KF1D--.

XBee (Series 2)
The required bandwidth is 2.32 MHz. The carrier modulation is “phase”.  The modulating signal type is QPSK, which is a case not covered. The data is a combination of many types of information.There are no additional characteristics to be reported. The designator is: 2M32GXW--.


We have described the ITU type designators, and constructed the emissions designators for a DigiXBee Zigbee radio and a Digi 9XStream radio as examples.


Last updated: Aug 23, 2017

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