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User mvut

Member for: 12 years (since Feb 23, 2009)
Type: Administrator
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Full name: Eric Flanders

Activity by mvut

Score: 14,822 points (ranked #1)
Title: Veteran of the Digi Community
Questions: 0
Answers: 4,385 (318 chosen as best)
Comments: 2,352
Voted on: 0 questions, 21 answers
Gave out: 20 up votes, 1 down vote
Received: 469 up votes, 31 down votes

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thank you for your help
Feb 12 by Mohamad-Badr
Good job, keep on it
Sep 17, 2019 by amatelulargmailcom
Digi wr21 or the carrier verizon is blocking port 500  for ipsec tunnel  Question: How to connect an additional vpn router R1 to the transport wr21.     How to unlock port 500  (It's block i can't make a tunel).   R1---Transport WR21---/<->/---R2
Nov 10, 2018 by jportes
No, there is no ZDO command that allows you to know when an End device has woken up and sent a poll request to the parent router. It is the responsibility of both devices connected to the wireless link to send something letting the parent know that the device is awake or for the parent to send a request and wait for the response.
Apr 30, 2018 by mvut
Is it possible to detect the poll request frame of a sleepy end device? I'm making an application that uses the XBee S2C module to communicate with end devices from different manufacturers (philips hue, orvibo) and i need to detect when an end device has woken up so that i can send zcl/zdo frames to it (i want to do this to prevent the loss of data).
Thanks in advance for your response.
Mar 19, 2018 by Aravill
Check and see if your PuTTY software can view Hex data as that is how it will be sent.
Mar 13, 2018 by mvut
recently i made a project with xbee wifi, i already configured the xbee (adhoc) and i sucsessful to send the data between xbee and puTTY in this case the xbee connect to the pc via usb cable. and i want to connect the xbee to the pc via wifi (the xbee will connect to the power supply). but when i try to send a data which is i enabled the sampling mode and pin 01 (adc) and nothing happen, nothing receiver by the puTTY.
Do you know why?
thanks in advance.
Feb 16, 2018 by Hexa16

I want create a big network, please can you tell me what is the recommend config for this case?
Dec 22, 2017 by lvelez
Feliks, that part of the product is accessed via the Device Cloud or Digi Remote manager.
Sep 8, 2017 by mvut
Dear Eric!
Earlier I asked about a problem: When I clicking in the web interface of the Digi ConnectPort X2e Zigbee HSPA 3G Cellular (X2E-Z3C-H2-W) the link "XBee network" I receive the response: "/xbee_devices.html was not found on this server".
When i received my Gateway the Firmware Version was I have at once upgraded Firmware to for XBee Gateway - ZigBee (Cellular) (FORMERLY CONNECTPORT X2E ZB).
Can you help me to solve this problem?
Best regards! Feliks.
Sep 8, 2017 by felhol
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