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I need to replace an RCM3200 in a BL2600 SBC

0 votes
I have a functioning BL2600 board and want to replace the RCM3200.
I have a program that runs fine and downloads OK currently.
When I install the new RCM3200 the program gives me an error 'processor not found' when I Try to load the program.

What is the routine to get this done. I'm not a programmer but have supported the product with the Rabbit in it for years.
asked 3 days ago in Rabbit by PETEG New to the Community (2 points)
edited 3 days ago by TomCollins

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2 Answers

+1 vote
You need to change the the write_id block on the RCM3200 from RCM3200 to BL2600. You will need to download the program write_idblock_920_962.c from Digi's website and verify you specify the correct BL2600 you have. You will just need to follow the instructions in the program.

answered 3 days ago by Campbell Veteran of the Digi Community (846 points)
That program is included in Dynamic C 9.62A.
0 votes
Thanks but I have to get my Doctorate to do this.
Way over my head?

I appreciate the help though.
answered 3 days ago by PETEG New to the Community (2 points)
you can do it, I think you just need to uncomment this line; //#define    MYBOARD BL2600A    // 44MHz RCM3200, 512K flash, 256K+512K SRAM, ethernet

If you read most of the steps in the directions of the write_idblock program most of them are "Optional steps" So you really need to do steps 1,2,14,15 and 16

Here is what the idblock of an RCM3200 looks like
System ID Block content:                                                        
   tableVersion  = 4                                                            
   productID     = 0x1300                                                       
   vendorID      = 1                                                            
   timestamp     = 05/19/2021  16:23:47                                         
   flashID       = 0x0000BFD7                                                   
   flashType     = 0x0001                                                       
   flashSize     = 512 Kbytes                                                   
   sectorSize    = 4096 bytes                                                   
   numSectors    = 128                                                          
   flashSpeed    = 0 nS                                                         
   flash2ID      = 0x00000000                                                   
   flash2Type    = 0x0000                                                       
   flash2Size    = 0 Kbytes                                                     
   sector2Size   = 0 bytes                                                      
   num2Sectors   = 0                                                            
   flash2Speed   = 0 nS                                                         
   ramID         = 0x00000001                                                   
   ramSize       = 512 Kbytes                                                   
   ramSpeed      = 0 nS                                                         
   cpuID         = Rabbit 3000 (rev. 1)                                         
   crystalFreq   = 22.1184 MHz                                                  
   macAddr       = 00:90:C2:C6:A7:A9                                            
   serialNumber  = ''                                                           
   productName   = ''                                                           
   reserved[0]   = 0x00                                                         
   idBlockSize   = 0x00000084 bytes                                             
   userBlockSize = 0x3F7C                                                       
   userBlockLoc  = 0x3F7C                                                       
   idBlockCRC    = 0x0714                                                       
   marker        = 55 AA 55 AA 55 AA                                            
   id    = "0x1300"                                                             
   desc  = "44MHz RCM3200, 256K+512K SRAM, 512K Flash"                          
   cpuId = "3000r0"                                                             
   freq  = "22.1184"                                                            
   ram   = "256"                                                                
   flash = "512"                                                                
Flash ID 0xBFD7 is an SST SST39LF040 / SST39VF040.                              
  Type 0x0001 is small sector, sector erase (0x30) byte write.                  
Flash2 ID 0x0000 is an unlisted type.                                           
  If valid, a description should be added herein.                               
  Type 0x0000 is unknown.                                                       
  If valid, a description should be added herein.                               
GetFlashID() result 0xBFD7 is an SST SST39LF040 / SST39VF040.                   
  Type 0x0001 is small sector, sector erase (0x30) byte write.                  
ID+User blocks area top address = 0x00100000                                    
   User block image A address   = 0x000FC000                                    
   User block image B address   = 0x000F8000                                    
   User block size              = 0x00003F7C                                    
   User block image A is valid.