How to access FCC test reports

All of the FCC test reports for Digi’s RF line of products can be found on the FCC webpage as long as the FCC ID is known. The following steps will guide you through the process of searching the FCC website for these test reports.
  1. Navigate to Once on the webpage you will see Grantee Code and Product Code. Other fields on this page can be ignored.
  2. Each one of Digi’s products has an FCC ID that is located either on the label or front of the product and can also be located in the product manual. Locate the FCC ID for your product.
  3. The Grantee Code is the first three to five characters of the FCC ID. With Digi products, it is typically the first three characters. Locate the Grantee code of your product and type it into the Grantee Code box. This code is typically MCQ or OUR for Digi’s RF line of products.
  4. The Product Code is the remaining characters of the FCC ID; this includes the hyphen if it is part of the FCC ID. Locate the Product Code and type it into the Product Code box.
  5. Click Start Search.
  6. You will now be brought to a webpage that gives you choice between Detail and Summary for all matching products, choose Detail.
  7. You may receive a warning box, go ahead and press OK.
  8. You will now be brought to a webpage that contains a list of documents including the test report.
Below are screenshots of the process using the XBee-PRO 900HP module as an example:
  1. Location of the FCC ID on an XBee radio:
  1. Search terms on the FCC website:
  1. Search results:
Last updated: Aug 23, 2017
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