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Unboxing the Digi AnywhereUSB 2 Plus

Watch this video to see Digi VP, Tom Butts, unbox the Digi AnywhereUSB 2 Plus and answer key questions such as, “It’s not always feasible to locate workstations next to devices.” and “What USB devices can you now connect?”

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Apr 24, 2019 | Length: 1:31

Watch this video to see Digi VP, Tom Butts, unbox the Digi AnywhereUSB 2 Plus and answer key questions such as, “It’s not always feasible to locate workstations next to devices.” and “What USB devices can you now connect?”

The Digi AnywhereUSB 2 Plus is a simple and direct connectivity option for existing equipment as it has a single Gigabit Ethernet port and dual USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports. It provides flexible interconnection for devices within close proximity to a PC workstation.
Watch Digi VP, Tom Butts, unbox the Digi AnywhereUSB 2 Plus and answer questions such as, “What USB devices can you now connect?” and “It’s not always feasible to locate computers next to devices.”
It’s everything you need to get started with a USB hub, as Tom reviews dimensions, ports and power supplies.
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