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Delivery, import, re-export, and prohibited uses of Digi items

Delivery, Import, and Use

Delivery of Digi cryptographic products does not imply unrestricted third-party authority to import, export, transfer, distribute or use restricted and non-restricted encryption.

  • Importers, distributors, customers, and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country export laws and regulations.
  • Digi strongly recommends that importers, distributors and users investigate such regulations prior to encryption product deployment.
  • Digi encourages customers to contact their local freight forwarder, consultant, or an attorney with knowledge of international export requirements to ensure compliance.

Prohibited Uses

Digi products, software and technical data may not be used directly or indirectly for uses inconsistent with the original design and intended application (e.g. communications and network management) without Digi authorization and applicable U.S. government authorization. This includes but is not limited to the following activities:

  1. Designing, developing or fabricating nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices; or devising, carrying out or evaluating nuclear tests or nuclear explosions.
  2. Designing, assisting in the design of, constructing, fabricating, or operating facilities for the chemical processing of irradiated special nuclear material, production of heavy water, separation of isotopes of any source and special nuclear material, or the fabrication of nuclear reactor fuel containing plutonium.
  3. Designing, assisting in the design of, constructing, fabricating, furnishing or modifying equipment for the fabrication of chemical or biological weapons, chemical precursors, viruses, viroids, bacteria, fungi or protozoa.
  4. Designing, assisting in the design, construction, fabrication or furnishing equipment for components specially designed, modified, or adapted for use in such facilities.
  5. Training personnel in any of the above activities.

Re-export of Digi Items

U.S. and non-U.S. companies re-exporting Digi products or technology must comply with local export regulations and U.S. re-export regulations. Guidance regarding re-exports and other offshore transactions involving items originating in the U.S. can be found at www.bis.doc.gov./licensing/reexportguidance.htm.

To speak with a Bureau of Industry and Security export counselor, please call the number listed below or visit www.bis.doc.gov for additional resources.

Outreach and Educational Services Division, Washington, DC: 202 482-4811.

Date posted: November 25, 2009

Please email questions to Digi.Export.Council@digi.com.

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